The park in Probistip was the meeting point of 16 people who had only one thing on their mind on 12th May at noon sharp - Mass Mess.
The participants were divided into 2 groups that did some interesting games, such as Massage Game and Pass the Ball. Then the two groups had a small competition. The deal was that those losing would buy something to the ones winning.
At the end, everybody was satisfied with what they achieved and they understood how important the teamwork was.
The only thing that the organizers added was that they were sorry that more people didn’t show up, but were happy with the Mass Mess local activity they organized.
In the sport hall ’Partisan’ in Gevgelija, the local Mass Mess activity was organised by the Blue Sky local club there. The event, which happened on May 12th, gathered 28 young people, out of which - 24 where from the Blue Sky local club, and the rest were members-to-become. We are happy that an increased number of young people is becoming aware of Blue Sky.
The participants were divided in four groups: Transformers, Pokemons, Ninja Turtles, and Flintstones. Afterwards, the activities and the games started. Some of the activities included well known games, such as: Name and Gesture, Group Massage, Flintstones, Two Truths and a Lie, Pass the Pulse, Human Knot, Stand Up, Tied Up, Bowling and many more.
Later, the participants had to explain the event through various words. The activities finished with awards being given to the winners, the members of the group Flintstones.
Maaass Mess for the first time in Valandovo! And what a Mass Mess it was!
On May 12th, at the sport fields of the high school ‘Goce Delcev,’ a bit different Mass Mess happened. This Mass Mess was different because it was organised together with the school, and its aim was to stress the importance of friendship between the youth in Valandovo. The participants were divided in 10 groups, and played games such as: basketball, football, athletics and handball. After the competitive games finished, the celebration started. The winners received certificates, and for all the others a special cocktail was prepared.
The Mass Mess continued in the hall of the school, where a party took place. The local Mass Mess officially ended there.
We are happy that Blue Sky had such a great impact on the local community, and that only 10 Blue Sky members from the local club in Valandovo managed to gather young people, representatives of the local government, and teachers from the high school to join them in this Mass Mess. We hope that next year we will have as many members as there were participants in this Mass Mess.
It can be concluded that this Mass Mess exceeded our expectations in every way.
Blue Sky local club Sveti Nikole’s Mass Mess local activity was organized on May 26th at the football playground Ovce Pole in Sveti Nikole. It lasted from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. During this time they played all of the team-building games that were played at the national Mass Mess in Veles, except for the name games, since they already knew each other :)
There were 12 participants. Yet, aside the small number of participants, they managed to create good atmosphere and the whole activity went well. They think they made a big success since their town was small and there were not often activities like this, which young people from Sveti Nikole could participate in. They are proud to be Blue Sky members and to contribute to this way.
Written by: Igor Izotov and Ivana Trajanovska
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