Thursday, March 8, 2007


Values Quest is a project promoting human values and active citizenship among youth and feeds in the regional British Council project Youth Action Through Sport and Culture (YASC). Values Quest is a UK-Macedonia project, implemented as a partnership between the Blue Sky Youth Network, British Council Macedonia and Sefton Youth Service (

The Values Quest project in Macedonia is going to be implemented between February and August 2007. It is built around four principle activities, each promoting different value. The activities will include:

* Mass Mess – all-day event at national level, promoting teamwork among high school students. There will be participants from all Blue Sky local clubs, divided into teams, competing among themselves. The best one is going to be awarded;

* Peer 2 Peer – an activity aiming at encouraging high school students to offer and look for help in handling their every day school tasks. This activity promotes friendship among high school students. Six selected Blue Sky local clubs will coordinate the process of mobilizing talented high school students, able to teach their peers certain school subjects, and matching them with students who need help;

* Snap the Nature – all-day event at national level, promoting creativity using natural resources. High school students interested in art and photography may apply to take part in this event. Thirty of them will have a chance to attend workshops organized in a natural resort near the capital, and later create crafts using only natural resources, while the group of young photographers will photograph the pieces of art;

* Let’s Kite! – an activity promoting social inclusion of disabled youth through kite-making workshop. Three schools for disabled youth will take part in this activity. Along with the local Blue Sky clubs in the respective towns, they will organize workshops where Blue Sky members and the disabled young people will create kites together.

To find out more about the project and find out more, email us at

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